The Smart New Decision-Making Strategy

Should you accept a new job offer, or give your ex another chance? Before making a decision, distract yourself for a few minutes—you’ll make a smarter choice, according to a new study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.

Researchers described the features of four different cars to 27 adults. Then they separated the study participants into three groups: One group evaluated the cars right away, the second group rated the cars after thinking about the pros and cons, and the third group rated the cars after performing a distracting math-memory task. In the end, the distracted group chose the most wisely.

Even when distracted, the part of the brain that’s responsible for learning information continues to be active, says study leader J. David Creswell, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. Meaning: You unconsciously consider your options while your attention goes elsewhere.

And that’s a good thing—especially when you face a difficult decision like where to live. That’s because it’s easy for your conscious mind to get bogged down by the details, such as the cost of rent or location. “Your conscious mind has a capacity constraint—it can only think about a couple of features at once,” says Creswell. “But your unconscious mind doesn’t have these capacity constraints. It can weigh all relevant information more effectively.”

You don’t need to rely on your id for everyday decision-making, like whether to order the chicken or the fish. But if you want to pick like a pro, distract yourself for two minutes before you deliver a verdict. The most effective distractions are completely different from the original problem, says Creswell. His favorite trick to tune out: turn up your favorite music.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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5 Smart Decision-Making Strategies

Unless you’re deciding between, say, Team Edward or Team Jacob, you know that any choice you make has a potential downside. That’s why it’s so easy to get caught up in indecision when you’re facing bigger choices, like two job offers, or figuring out what new neighborhood to live in. And, not to make the decision-making process more stressful or anything, but research shows that the closer a decision looms, the more likely you are to make choices based on emotions, rather than objective facts.

In a study published by the Journal of Consumer Research, nearly one hundred college students were asked to imagine they were about to graduate, had landed a good job, and needed to pick a one-bedroom apartment. Half imagined it would happen in the next month, and half imagined it would happen the next year. The students imagining that this would happen sooner chose the apartment that appealed more to their feelings (prettier, smaller) than the larger, more convenient one that was objectively “better.”

“It’s not a bad thing to let your emotions play a factor in your decision making strategy,” says Art Markman, PhD, professor of psychology and marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and the author of Smart Thinking. “After all, if home is important to you and you’re going to spend a lot of time there, you very well might be happier in an apartment you love, even though it means a farther commute than if you’d chosen the one that’s just okay. But it’s also important to know why you’re making the decision you are.”

To guarantee that you don’t let your short-term emotions get the better of you, follow his five top decision-making strategies.

Limit your options
“Studies show that people are happier when they have fewer choices,” explains Markman. So while it may seem like you’re doing due diligence by, say, test-driving ten types of cars or spending an entire weekend looking at apartments in every single neighborhood, giving yourself three potential options is ideal. “Three will allow you to compare and contrast different features without getting overwhelmed,” says Markman.

But don’t go pro/con list crazy
“While pro and con lists can be helpful, they also make you ignore clues from your subconscious,” explains Markman. For example, maybe a job offer sounds good on paper, but the potential boss gave you a bad feeling. It’s easy to overlook your uneasiness when faced with an overwhelming “pro” column, but when you’re actually at the job, dealing with a monster of a supervisor will end up being a huge negative in real life. “If you feel very strongly one way or another, you should pay attention to that,” reminds Markman.

Test drive your choice
You do it for cars, but Markman says this is also a smart strategy when weighing other options. Considering applying to grad school? Spend a day at the university in your town, sitting in on a lecture, browsing the bookstore, or sipping coffee in a campus café. By imagining yourself living the option, you’ll get more cues into whether or not it’s a smart choice for you.

Look to the past
“The past can be a good indicator of how future events will work,” reminds Markman. Trying to decide whether it’s worth it to pack up and move cross country for a job offer? Think back to another time—when you started college, when you joined a running group—when you were the new person in a community. If that worked out well, chances are this will too.

Always have a routine
Heading to the gym every AM, always having the same salad for lunch, hitting happy hour with the crew on Monday nights … the more same-old your day to day is, the easier it will be to figure out big choices with a clear head. “Having to always make choices leads to what’s called decision fatigue,” explains Markman. “When you’re making fewer decisions a day, you have more mental reserve to tackle the ones that matter.”

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Are You Allergic to Your Smart Phone?

Is your smart phone making you itch? Approximately one-third of all Blackberries contain nickel, one of the most common allergens that causes contact dermatitis, according to new data presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI).

Researchers analyzed 75 cell phones—including iPhones, Droids, Blackberries, and flip phones—in search of models containing two common allergens, cobalt and nickel. Flip phones contained the most nickel, and when it came down to the smart phones, the Blackberry was the only model to contain one of the suspect substances, says lead study author Tania Mucci, M.D., a member of the ACAAI.

If your skin’s in contact with the metal too long, you could develop an allergy to it, according to the Mayo Clinic. What that looks like: dry, itchy patches of skin along your cheekbones, jaw line, and ears. Worse, if overexposure to an allergen continues to occur, you can develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (a darkening of the skin pigment due to increased amounts of melanin) and scarring, says Mucci.

There’s no cure for a nickel allergy, so your best bet is to eliminate the nickel-contaminated substance that’s giving you fits, says Mucci. Translation: Out with your Blackberry, in with another smart phone. And while you’re searching for a new model, grab an oral antihistamine like Allegra to relieve the itching.

Not sure whether it’s an allergic reaction or just dry skin? See your doctor for a patch test, suggests Mucci. Your doc will place small quantities of potential allergens (including nickel) on your skin, and leave them on for two days to test for a reaction. (Click here to determine when you should see an allergist.)

photo: Jupiterimages/

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