Look Your Best This Allergy Season

Hiding a pimple is easy. Masking a red nose, dry skin and puffy eyes during allergy season is a full-time job. In fact, a survey commissioned by Zyrtec found that 50 percent of women have missed parties and dates because their symptoms made their beauty routine so much longer.

Researchers surveyed 1,000 women about allergies (both indoors and outdoors) and their effects on makeup habits. Most women said their go-to products to hide allergy symptoms include concealer, foundation, and mascara. “Women think that when they’re dealing with allergies, the best way to cover it up is to throw on a lot makeup,” says Rebekah George, the beauty expert for the survey. “But a lot of the time, that can make it look worse.”

If you dread allergy season, heads up: experts say it’ll only be worse this year. You don’t need to be a makeup magician to look your best this spring, though–just take some beauty cues from Jennifer Lawrence. You’d never guess she was battling a cold when she attended the Screen Actors Guild Awards show back in January.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
Anti-Allergy Gear
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Body Reset Diet Slim down in 15 days! Expert Harley Pasternak offers a proven program to shed pounds without sacrificing health or convenience in The Body Reset. Order now!

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Is It Allergy Season Already?

Starting to feel a familiar tickle in your throat? Yeah, it’s about that time of year again. According to experts, this allergy season will likely be even more brutal than normal. Between the long-term effects of Hurricane Sandy and the big temperature fluctuations recently, all signs point to a season full of sniffing and sneezing, says Carol Baum, MD, a New York-based allergist.

Luckily, it’s still early enough to take a few preventative measures. Use these tricks to get your body and environment prepped for the impending pollen:

Clean house
Spring cleaning is more important than you think, since dust is likely to irritate your respiratory system whether you’re allergic to it or not, Baum says. If you’re allergic to dust mites, you should invest in allergy-proof encasements for your bedding and get rid of rugs (which are total dust magnets). Even if the little bugs aren’t typically a problem for you, it’s a good idea to clean out your air conditioning filters—both at home and in your car—before the season hits (dust can act as an irritant that makes your response to other allergens worse than normal, Baum says). And don’t forget to give your shelves and bookcases a once-over—stacks of stray papers and old books are a huge source of dust.

Check for mold
After Sandy hit, Baum noticed a definite uptick in the number of patients seeking treatment for allergies and asthma, and she assumes that excess mold was the culprit. Like dust, this irritant is known to contribute to pesky allergy symptoms, especially in those most allergic to it, Baum says. But even if you didn’t weather the storm, you should still monitor mold-susceptible areas like windowsills and shower stalls. Look for discolored surfaces or a mildew-y smell, and treat the affected areas with a store-bought diluted bleach solution.

Start your meds early
If you’ve had allergies in the past, it’s likely that you’ll have them again this year. So don’t wait for your first sneezing fit to pop an antihistamine—you’ll see the most benefits from taking meds before your allergies are in full-swing. Think back to when your allergies have hit in previous years and start medicating at least one week before that time, Baum says. No clue what to take? Check with your doctor to find out what medication would be right for you. Even though most allergy meds are available over the counter now, your physician can make the best recommendation.

Boost your defenses
The top defense to allergies is a healthy immune system. Build yours up by eating a healthy diet filled with adequate amounts of vitamin D (600 IU per day is recommended for most women), vitamin C (about 75mg per day), and protein (about 46g per day), all of which are important for a healthy immune response, Baum says. You can get your vitamin D from salmon or fortified juices and milk, and up your vitamin C intake from citrus fruits and green peppers. You can also get your fill from supplements, but always check with your doctor to find out how much you really need so you don’t overdo it.

Visit an allergist
You don’t get a medal for suffering through allergy season without medication, so don’t hesitate to seek help if your symptoms become unbearable. An allergist can go over specific environmental triggers with you and may have you take a diagnostic skin test or blood test to determine exactly what you’re allergic to, Baum says. They may even prescribe you allergy shots or steroids, depending on your symptoms.

photo: iStockPhoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
Solve Your Allergy Symptoms
The Best Seasonal Allergy Medications 
All About Allergens

Body Reset Diet Slim down in 15 days! Expert Harley Pasternak offers a proven program to shed pounds without sacrificing health or convenience in The Body Reset. Order now!

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Could This Be the Worst Flu Season EVER?

It’s beginning to look a lot like flu season—about a month too soon. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 48 states and Puerto Rico have already reported cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza and, nationally, the percentage of people testing positive for influenza is rising fast.

This is the earliest start to the flu season in nearly a decade. Last year, it didn’t officially begin until mid February, which, although considerably late, is better than the early start we’re getting this year.

Some health officials worry that the flu’s early arrival may be an omen for a particularly rough flu season ahead. And, in some places, it’s already begun: Various Midwest schools have had to shut down because of the harsh impact of the virus. The Whitehaven News in Memphis, TN, reports that at least three schools in West Tennessee have confirmed they will not re-open until after the weekend, and that a school near Knoxville has also shut down with nearly 200 kids sick at home.

“Increasing flu activity should be a wake-up call,” says Melinda Wharton, M.D., acting director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “For anyone who has put off vaccination: It’s time to get your flu vaccine now.”

The good news is that the flu vaccine is widely available, according to Tom Skinner, senior public affairs officer for the CDC, who spoke at a press briefing last week. “There are already over 120 million doses out there to be had,” he said during the briefing.

While the vaccine is the best tool at preventing the flu, the CDC also recommends following these six steps so you can have a healthy and happy winter.

Avoid close contact
If your loved ones are sick, lay off the smooches until they’re better. It’s also best to avoid close physical contact with many strangers (like, say, in a New York City subway car). That might not be possible for many people, though, so if you must use mass transit, be sure to keep your hands away from your face until you get a chance to wash them well.

Stay home when you are sick
Chances are your coworkers did not ask Santa for a whopping dose of the flu for Christmas, so if you find yourself feeling ill, do everyone a favor and stay at home. Not sure where to draw the line? Check out the 5 times you should definitely call in sick – and the times you can tough it out.

Cover your mouth and nose    
Your mom taught you to do this for a reason, and now is not the time to rebel against her advice. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue on hand, it’s best to cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm, rather than your hand. That prevents the transfer of germs to the next thing you touch.

Wash your hands religiously    
Soap, water, and alcohol-based hand rubs are totally in season. Use them as much as possible to protect yourself from germs. To wash your hands the right way, use antibacterial soap, rub your hands together vigorously for 20 seconds, and be sure to scrub up to the wrist, including the back of your hands, between the fingers, and beneath the nails. Then use an elbow to turn off the faucet, and a paper towel or air dryer instead of a reusable cloth.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
The flu doesn’t get into your body through your pores. It makes its way into your body through your eyes, nose, and/or mouth. The most-common way to get the flu: Touching something that is contaminated with germs and then touching your face.

Practice other good health habits
Bottom line: If you act healthy, you’ll be healthy. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from WH:
Should You Get the New Flu Vaccine?
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Your Body On…The Flu

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