Get This: Eating More Nuts Won’t Make You Fat

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Adding nuts to your diet shouldn’t make you gain weight, according to a new study. Just don’t go completely nuts. [Reuters]

One small step for Marissa Mayer, one giant step for woman-kind: The Yahoo CEO recently doubled paid maternity leave and expanded paternity leave at her company. [Jezebel]

Prepare your credit cards: Downton Abbey is getting a fashion and home goods line. [The Cut]

Second-hand smoke may be more dangerous for women than it is for men. [TIME]

If you’re taking gingko biloba for your health, stop this second. A scary new animal study suggests that it may actually cause cancer. [NYT]

Less than 40 percent of people diagnosed with depression actually meet the clinical criteria for it. [Medical Daily]

Employees at a New York real estate office can get a 15 percent pay bump if they ink themselves with the company logo. That’s some serious employee loyalty there. [CBS New York]

A blogger for a sports radio station wrote that a (totally gorgeous) NBA cheerleader might be “too chunky” to cheer. If you ask us, the writer is too insensitive to blog. [Houston Chronicle]

Jonah Falcon, the man known for having the biggest penis in the world, released an iTunes single called “It’s Too Big.” Please don’t encourage him by buying it. [Huffington Post]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

javahut healthy feed


Hello Everyone, Today I stumbled upon this wonderful article on how healthy nuts are for you. I always keep a handful of almonds in my purse (thanks to trader joe’s handful of almonds). This article is from Women’s Health, but men can read this too ;)

For Healthy Fat In Your Diet, Remember to Include Nuts

Six nutritional all-stars of the nut world

Photograph By iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Nuts, as Jack on Will & Grace once said, are nothing more than little pellets of fat and breath. Funny, but false. Over the last decade, studies have shown that eating nuts protects against heart disease, high blood pressure, and adult-onset diabetes. Even better, researchers now speculate that, rather than expanding your waistline, eating nuts may help you keep off the pounds. Enjoy these top six picks in your nut mix.

1st Place: Almonds

Per 1-ounce serving:
160 calories 14 g fat

Almonds have nearly nine times more monounsaturated healthy fat than dangerous saturated fat, says Joan Sabaté Ph.D., chair of nutrition at Loma Linda University. With plenty of protein, fiber, calcium, and iron and no cholesterol, almonds are also one of the best sources of vitamin E, which protects against stroke and cancer.

2nd Place: Walnuts

190 calories 18 g fat
Walnuts are unique among nuts because they’re loaded with the same heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in salmon (but these taste better with chocolate). In more good fat news, walnuts also have an abundance of polyunsaturated fat, which may protect against type 2 diabetes.

3rd Place: Pistachios

160 calories 13 g fat
Recently reported to have the highest level of LDL-lowering plant sterols by researchers at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pistachios are a great source of potassium. They?re also high in monounsaturated fat, with nearly as much as almonds.

4th Place: Peanuts

170 calories 14 g fat
Research finds that these legumes (they’re not actually nuts) are a good choice for keeping cholesterol levels at bay. These impostors also provide more protein (7 grams per serving) than true nuts do.

5th Place: Hazelnuts 

180 calories 17 g fat
Along with one of the highest ratios of good fat to bad, hazelnuts are packed with folate, a vitamin that protects against birth defects and possibly cancer and heart disease.

6th Place: Pecans

200 calories 20 g fat
Dr. Sabaté points to these as a good choice for fighting high cholesterol — they’re high in unsaturated fat and lower in bad saturated fat than other nuts.

Mixes We Like
If you’re feeling ambitious, mix up this Tailgate Party Nut Mix, a recipe featuring dried cranberries for a touch of sweet with the salty.

Easier still: Grab a can of one of our favorites, the Planter’s NUT-ritionMen’s Health Recommended mix. It rocks three of the healthy superstars in the list above—almonds, pistachios, and peanuts.

A Nut Nugget
With their high fat content, nuts turn rancid quickly unless stored tightly sealed in a cool, dark place. So buy ‘em like you eat ‘em (in small amounts), says Jennifer Nelson, director of clinical nutrition at the Mayo Clinic. Proper storage will let you enjoy them for at least 3 weeks.

Read more at Women’s Health:

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