How to Set a Goal You’ll Actually Achieve

Even goals with the best intentions—like giving up sugar or hitting the gym every day—can backfire fast. But there might be a way to help ensure that you don’t ditch your next plan of action. People are more likely to stick with something when they have a flexible goal, rather than a fixed one, according to a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research.

In one study, people in a weight-loss program either set goals that incorporated a range (for example, lose 2-4 pounds) or specific fixed goals (for example, lose 3 pounds). At the end of the program, the people who set flexible goals were more likely to reenroll in the weight loss program than those who set specific goals, even though both groups lost the same amount of weight on average. The researchers found the same results in experiments with other types of goals, including ones that revolved around saving money or solving puzzles.

“The reason is that the high-low range (read: flexible) goal offers the best of both worlds,” says study coauthor Maura Scott, PhD, assistant professor of marketing at Florida State University. While the low end of the goal makes it seem attainable, the high end gives you something to aspire to—a combination that makes it more approachable than a super-specific end point. “The result is that high-low range goals tend to lead to a greater sense of accomplishment for the person pursuing the goal.  Having a greater sense of accomplishment makes people want to reengage in a goal.” And since most intentions require some follow-through, that willingness to reengage is crucial to actually achieving your goal.

Ready to make a mid-year resolution? Scott suggests structuring your goal so that the low point is similar to attainable goals you’ve achieved in the past and the high point is your aspirational target. Check out these swaps to get you started:

Old: Lose 5 pounds
New: Lose 3-7 pounds

Old: Save $ 100 every month
New: Save $ 50-$ 150 every month

Old: Cook dinner five nights a week
New: Limit takeout to 1-3 times per week

Old: Hit the gym every day
New: Exercise 3-6 days per week

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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