Tag Archives: Food
Eating Moldy Food: When It’s OK, When It’s Not
The Doctor Tried To Make Me Fat With Processed Food
I honestly don’t know why I was surprised, but I was. Here I am, sitting in an emergency care center waiting for the doctor to come examine my knee when there was a knock at the door. I assumed it would be the doctor or a nurse, so imagine my surprise when…
The assistant walked in pushing a snack cart asking if I wanted anything. That sounds all grand, right? Except that on the cart were chocolate chip cookies, buttered popcorn, and bags of chips… oh yea along with sodas and fruit juices (and not the good kind).
“No thanks” was probably out of my mouth too fast to be polite.
I looked over at Dan (such a good husband for taking me and keeping my company) when the room was empty again and announced, no wonder people are fat… their own doctors give them crap food.
Doctors Don’t Know Health
With all the education that doctors have to go through you would think that they would be educated on preventing illness all together. But to be honest, they are only educated in helping illness once it strikes.
What’s more is that most diseases and conditioned are derived from unhealthy lifestyles and obesity. So then why can’t doctors just educate patients on the importance of healthy living through exercise and nutrition?
Because they don’t know.
In fact, it’s hard to believe but med school doesn’t cover diet or exercise. And what’s more is that 53% of doctors are oveweight. With more than half carrying extra pounds, would patients even follow their advice when or if given? Probably not.
If doctors would simply learn and follow healthy habits themselves then the obesity epidemic just might start moving back in the right direction instead of continuing to climb.
I mean let’s face it, I said no to the cart but most people would see it and rationalize that if the doctor is offering it then it must be good for you! Right?
It’s a shame!
So what can be done?
f you know you’re carrying extra pounds or feel you are moving in that direction check with your doctor to make sure you can handle an exercise program.
From there talk with the people that know how to help you transform not just your body but your overall lifestyle as well like personal trainers (that’s me!) or a certified nutritionist.
We all want to believe that doctors hold the answers to everything, but clearly the don’t.
What’s To Eat?
For breakfast I had the same ole oatmeal but with only a teaspoon of sunflower butter on top! I am working on controlling the urge to scoop the biggest amount possible.

Left overs from last night: Lentils; whole wheat pasta with spinach and leeks. I also added some baby brussel sprouts!
Questions of the Day:
- Has your doctor ever done or said anything that made you raise an eyebrow?
- What’s your favorite condiment? (Mine being sunflower butter, of course!)
Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?
Food Lies Exposed!

Don’t eat carbs, don’t eat fat, don’t eat egg yolks, oh, and no dairy…UGH. Okay, I have to admit that when I first started this Fit Bride journey, I called on a nutritionist, who lived by those food lies (plus: she told me to not eat fruit! It actually makes me angry now). Despite my better judgement, I followed her plan for about three weeks, and…I was miserable. I couldn’t make it through my training sessions, and I actually became ill (not to mention I didn’t lose any weight during that period). Learn from my awful dieting mistakes, and stop listening to these silly food myths!
Carbs, fat, egg yolks, and dairy…setting the record straight…
Check out these facts from The Women’s Health Diet book!
Fiber-Rich Grains
There’s nothing inherently wrong with carbohydrates. Healthy carbs made from whole grains can and should be a staple of your daily diet. They provide energy and help facilitate the muscle-building process. Whole-grain breads, pastas, and brown rice are obvious choices. But read the nutrition label. Often “multigrain” just means more than one grain has had the nutritional life beaten out of it and then added to the food. “Wheat” bread is often just refined white bread that’s been dyed with molasses to look healthier. Always look on the label, and always look for “whole grain.” If you see the word “refined,” don’t be refined at all—toss it and run.
Avocados, oils, and other healthy fats
The right kinds of fats can actually make you slimmer. Your body is designed to burn fat for energy. So by timing your fat intake, you’ll not only trigger weight loss, you’ll also fuel your workouts more effectively—and see even greater gains in the gym. The two fats you should concentrate on are monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), the healthy oils found in olives, nuts, seeds, avocado, acai, and even chocolate; and omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in cold-water fish, grass-fed meats, nuts, seeds, and some fruits. Scientists in Italy found that people who eat diets with higher amounts of these fats actually burn more blubber during exercise. That’s right: MUFAs and omega-3s are actually fat-burning fats!
Eggs and dairy
Eggs are the most nutrient-dense food known to humans. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that dieters who ate a breakfast of eggs (yolk and all) instead of a bagel for 5 weeks lost 65 percent more weight—with no effect on their cholesterol or triglycerides. (That’s right, eggs may be high in dietary cholesterol, but they won’t raise your cholesterol—a common misconception. Milk, meanwhile, really does do a body good…and so do cheese, yogurt, and even ice cream. Something as simple as drinking a glass of milk per day can help stave off a heart attack and stroke. A study at Harvard Medical School, found that people who ate three servings of dairy foods daily were 60 percent less likely to be overweight than people who consumed less.
Basic rule: everything in moderation. While these foods aren’t on the naughty list, they—along with any other food shouldn’t be eaten in mass quantities. Happy munching!
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