Get This: A Shar-Pei Pup Needed a “Face-Lift”

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

One case of plastic surgery we can totally get behind: a two-year-old Shar-Pei puppy had a “face-lift” so that he could see, smell, and breath better. [ABC]

Not sure what’s more amazing—how much fun Lena Dunham looks like she was having at the Time 100 last night, or this GIF of her dancing with Christina Aguilera. [The Cut]

People across the U.S. have opened their wallets to help the Boston Marathon victims. [The Atlantic Wire]

Someone in Taiwan has contracted the first case of the new bird flu identified outside of China. [NPR]

Just in time for grilling season, an unfortunate new report finds that ground beef and chicken are the meats most likely to land you in the hospital. [AP]

People across the country wasted $ 418 billion dollars on prescription drugs last year. That’s almost half a trillion… [Medical Daily]

Mattell has retired the American Girls you know and love in favor of boring and usually upper-middle-class characters. We miss you, Samantha, Kirsten, and Molly. [The Atlantic]

This might be the most ridiculous (and hilarious) picture of Justin Bieber yet. [Vulture]

We may not have seen the last of former congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexy selfies: He’s copped to sexting “with multiple people.” [Daily Intelligencer]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

javahut healthy feed

Lifting Revolution Got A Facelift!

I love my blog, don’t get me wrong but for the past several months I’ve been a bit unsure about it. With a title like Lifting Revolution, I felt held back on what I could discuss! And let’s be honest, I want to talk about EVERYTHING.

So with the help of my husband, okay so he did it all himself, I finally am loving everything about Lifting Revolution. I am super proud and excited about the tag line he came up with. It’s kind of funny…

I was cooking dinner last night (far too embarrassed to say how late we ate last night) while he was sitting at the table browsing the internet and chatting it up with me when all of a sudden he literally jumped out of his chair and said: “Lifting Pots, Lifting Weights and Lifting Life”…


Yup, he’s a smarty alright! He was too excited to let it rest last night so went to work redoing the header as soon as he put the last bite of food in his mouth.

Thanks hubs for my kick ass new header!

Now I can really share everything important to me while I continue to live this thing called a healthy life!

  • Do you have any suggestions? 
  • What are some topics you would like me to cover? 
  • What’s on your mind today? 
On another note, I just finished a new video which I’ll post up in just a bit! Here’s your teaser… there may or may not be pull-ups involved!

Fitness Strength Training For Women and Clean Eating Suport