UPDATE: Obama Administration Reverses Course on Emergency Contraception

Since April 2013, we’ve been closely following the legislation ordering emergency contraception (like Plan B One-Step and its generics) to be accessible over the counter, without any age or point-of-sale restrictions. Check out the latest developments below, and continue checking back for more coverage.

Big news: after months of back-and-forth between the courts and the Obama administration, the Department of Justice announced yesterday that they will comply with a judicial order to make Plan B One-Step available over-the-counter for women of all ages. This is a reversal in policy for the Obama administration, which originally blocked full OTC access to emergency contraception when it was proposed in 2011, and has been fighting to limit full access since then.

The conflict heated up again back in April 2013, when Federal Judge Edward Korman ordered that all levonorgestral-based emergency contraceptives must be available over-the-counter without any point-of-sale restrictions. As expected, there was plenty of backlash: the DOJ appealed the decision; the FDA tried to compromise with looser age restrictions on Plan B; and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals even got involved.

Yesterday, the DOJ issued a letter to Judge Korman announcing that the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services plan to lift all age and point-of-sale restrictions on the brand name Plan B One-Step in a timely manner. If Judge Korman accepts this new plan, Plan B’s manufacturer would submit a supplemental new drug application to the FDA (which is routine when a drug moves over the counter), and the FDA will approve it without delay.

But here’s where things get (more) complicated: the letter hints that Plan B will get exclusivity as the only morning after pill allowed on store shelves without restrictions, says Susannah Baruch, interim president and CEO for the Reproductive Health Technologies Project. That means that all generic and two-pill doses (which can cost anywhere from $ 10 to $ 20 less than the name brand) will remain behind the pharmacy counter—and only available without a prescription for women 17 and older. That may not seem like a huge deal, but the result is that if you get to the drugstore after the pharmacist has left for the day, you may end up shelling out more cash for the same medication.

So what’s the next step? Now, we’re waiting to see if Judge Korman accepts this new plan, or if he decides to push for complete OTC access for all emergency contraception—including the generics. If he does accept, this new plan would replace last week’s ruling by the Second Circuit Court, which said only two-pill versions could be available OTC.

Check back soon for more updates on your access to the morning after pill.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
Should Birth Control Pills Be OTC? 
Celebrating the Legalization of Birth Control
What is Emergency Contraception? 

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Your Crash Course on the Affordable Care Act

Happy birthday, ObamaCare! The Affordable Care Act turned three years old on Saturday. In honor of the occasion, Women’s Health is covering the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a three-part series this week. This initial installment explains how the ACA has altered health care so far and what changes are still in store—particularly since 57 percent of Americans say they still don’t have enough information to understand how the ACA will affect them, according to a new poll by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation. Here, some notable aspects of the ACA that have already gone into effect:

More people have health insurance: 3.1 million young adults who were previously uninsured have gained coverage now that they’re able to stay on their parent’s health plan until the age of 26. In addition, more than 107,000 Americans who were previously denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions now have coverage, thanks to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.

Health insurance companies are being forced to clean up their act: The Patient’s Bill of Rights, enacted in 2010, also created a rule requiring insurance companies to explain rate increases before they show up on your bill. As a result, the average premium increase for all rates in 2012 was 30 percent below what it was in 2010. Insurance companies also must follow the 80/20 rule now, which mandates that at least 80 percent of premiums must be used on heath care for customers (rather than administrative costs like executive salaries). The percentage is even higher (85 percent) for large group markets, and any insurance companies that don’t meet the 80/20 rule are required to provide rebates to customers.

Many preventive services are now available for free: About 71 million Americans with private insurance plans received expanded coverage of preventive services in 2011 and 2012, according to a report just released by the federal government. That means that millions of people had access to free cancer screenings, flu shots, and cholesterol checks (see the full list of preventive services covered under the ACA). In addition, insurance plans are now covering more prevention-related services for women, such as well-woman visits, breastfeeding support and supplies, and gestational diabetes screening (see the ACA rules on expanding access to preventive services for women).

Even more changes are still in store: October 1 marks the beginning of open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace, which will allow individuals and small businesses to compare a variety of health plans to ensure that everyone has access to affordable insurance. Then, in 2014, that coverage will go into effect: Middle- and low-income families will get tax credits to help them pay for the cost of coverage, while the Medicaid program will be expanded to cover more low-income Americans.

Additionally, new consumer protections will be added to ban discrimination due to pre-existing conditions or gender (right now, insurance companies can charge higher rates due to gender or health status). “Being a woman will no longer be a pre-existing condition,” says Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Annual and lifetime limits on insurance coverage will also be prohibited, which will literally be a lifesaver to people with chronic health conditions, who currently have to worry about being cut off from vital medical care because they have exceeded their coverage limit.

That’s a lot to celebrate!

TELL US: What questions do you still have about the ACA and how to get the most out of it? Let us know in the comments, and then check back on Wednesday for answers in the second installment in this week’s ACA series.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
How to Handle a Huge ER Bill
Birth Control is an Economic Issue
How Healthcare Reform Helps You

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