Do You Have an Emergency Action Plan?

Quick test: Where is the closest emergency exit? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. A new UCLA study shows that people often do not recall things they’ve seen or walked by hundreds of times, including important things like emergency exits and fire extinguishers.

To gather data, study researchers asked 54 people who work in the same building if they knew the location of the fire extinguisher nearest their office. While many had worked in their offices for years and had passed the bright red extinguishers several times a day, only 13 out of the 54—24 percent—knew the location, according to the study.

“Sometimes we stop paying attention to things that we think we know, only to find out we don’t actually know them that well,” says Alan Castel, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at UCLA and lead author of the study.

In emergency situations, this can be incredibly dangerous and possibly life threatening. Be prepared for any and all situations by creating an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Use the following guidelines from, launched by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to help you get started.

Customize your plan
While it’d be easiest to download a cookie cutter EAP from the Internet, it’s not the best option. According to, you need to take into account individual needs and responsibilities based on methods of communication, types of shelter, and available transportation.

When creating your EAP, keep in mind:
• Different ages of members
• Responsibilities for assisting others
• Locations frequented
• Dietary needs
• Medical needs including prescriptions and equipment
• Disabilities or access and functional needs including devices and equipment
• Languages
• Cultural and religious considerations
• Pets or service animals

Don’t rely on your memory
Once you have all of the necessary information in order, fill out an EAP card on’s website and keep it in your wallet. This way, you won’t have to remember meeting places, phone numbers, and other important life-saving information. Get the EAP cards, here.

Prepare your home
You can also further prepare yourself and your family by assembling an at-home emergency kit (anyone who experienced Hurricane Sandy recently know how handy these can be). Get’s at-home checklist, here.

photo: iStockPhoto/Thinkstock

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