Need a Brain Boost? Try This

It’s 4 p.m., and you’ve still got a ton to tackle on your to-do list—but zero motivation to do it. No need to chug a triple-jolt espresso; the solution may be as simple as pulling out a stick of gum. A recent study published in the British Journal of Psychology finds that chewing gum improves cognitive performance.

For the study, researchers divided 38 participants into a gum-chewing group and a control group. Both groups listened to a recording of numbers being read aloud in a seemingly random manner and were told to look for a pattern. The people who chewed gum had quicker reaction times and were more accurate in discovering patterns than the people who didn’t chew gum.

Why the difference?  “Brain imaging suggests improved flow of oxygenated blood to the brain, which may cause the increase in concentration,” says Christopher Miles, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Cardiff and one of the authors of the study. Another reason chewing gum may help: It gives your brain something to, well, chew on. “The stimulus of chewing gum causes a spike in dopamine, which is a chemical that helps the brain focus,” says John Medina, PhD, director of the Brain Center for Applied Learning Research at Seattle Pacific University and author of Brain Rules.

And it’s not only gum that can produce that effect. The next time you need some help overcoming a mid-afternoon slump, try one of these out-of-the-box (but research-proven) tricks:

Change locations
Moving your laptop from your cubicle to the conference room could give you all the motivation you need to pound out that project: “The brain responds positively to novelty,” says Medina. “When it encounters something new, it will produce the dopamine surge that can translate into increased cognitive functioning.” If you’re not allowed to ditch your desk for a few hours, something like a quick gossip session with a coworker or even switching to pen and paper for a while should also do the trick.

Researchers in Japan found that images of baby animals significantly improved cognitive performance. Similar studies have also found that watching humorous videos can restore willpower and help you get back on track.

Pop a mint
Research has found that peppermint and cinnamon scents can increase alertness and mental performance. Applying some peppermint-scented hand cream also works, or you could just buy a small bottle of essential oil and keep it on-hand so you can take a whiff when your mind starts wandering.

Take a hike (or at least a walk around the parking lot)
Cognitive performance improves while walking, according to research. Dealing with a bang-your-head-against-the-desk problem at work? Take a break and head outside—by the time you’ve taken a few laps around the block, you may have come up with the answer that eluded you while you were sitting at your desk.

Hit the gym
The above tricks have a short-term effect, but exercise can actually enhance your concentration abilities for the long-haul (plus, recent research shows that quick bouts of physical activity can improve your self-control). “A total of 150 minutes a week of aerobic exercise is the minimum required for a sustained change,” says Medina.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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