Daily Dose: March 29, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Lots of  companies have started instituting  happy hours, craft days, yoga sessions, video game breaks, and more in the name of workplace creativity. Permission to play Draw Something at the office, granted! [CNN]

A new study shows that firefighters who work out are half as likely to suffer from a non-exercise-related injury, including those sustained in the line of duty. The calendar-worthy physique is just an added bonus . [Mutual Aid]

All signs point to a more female-friendly pope: The newly elected Pope Francis broke liturgical rules yesterday to wash the feet of two young women in a detention center in Rome. [NBC News]

In horrifying news, an Oklahoma doctor may have exposed more than 7,000 patients to HIV and hepatitis by using rusty tools and following unsanitary practices. You know when dentists try to tell you that visiting them isn’t so bad? Yeah, about that… [NPR]

In countries with male-centric cultures, gender discrimination starts before birth: Women who are pregnant with girls are less likely to receive adequate prenatal care, according to a new study. [Medical Daily]

After years of no one clamoring for their return, former boy band 98 Degrees reunited to produce a new song called “Microphone,” which is a thinly veiled metaphor for a penis. [The Daily Beast]

“Chinplants” are now the fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedure, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Is there any body part plastic surgeons won’t augment?  [The Orange County Register]

A Princeton University mom (and alumnus) wrote an open letter in the university’s student paper encouraging all female students to find a husband before they graduate. How encouraging. [The Cut]

A new study finds that just 14 percent of men in the U.S. have ever paid for sex (and only one percent solicited prostitutes in 2010). Yay? [Huffington Post]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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