How to Become a Morning Workout Person

Put down the banana, rise-and-grinders: According to a new study published online in the British Journal of Nutrition, people who exercise early in the morning on an empty stomach burn more fat than those who nosh before hitting the gym.

Researchers at Northumbria University asked 12 physically active men to hit treadmills in the morning—some on an empty stomach, and some who had eaten breakfast. The results showed two significant findings: Early workouts didn’t cause participants to feel hungrier or eat more throughout the day, and those who exercised in a fasted state also burned 20 percent more fat than those who chowed down prior to sweating.

This news may be easy enough for early birds to swallow, but what if you’re the type of person who has a profound relationship with your snooze button? Here, seven tips to learn how to tackle exercise first thing in the AM—so you can take advantage of a study like this, too.

Sleep in your gym gear
Your gym shorts and sweatshirt are comfortable already, so why make an additional change before you exercise? “Sleep in your workout gear or work out in your pajamas,” says NYC-based trainer Larysa DiDio. “Sometimes the extra 10 minutes it takes to get dressed is the difference between going to the gym or ditching it.”

Wake up and smell the coffee
Auto-set your coffee maker in the evening, before you hit the hay. “Studies show that the smell of coffee energizes you,” says DiDio. “So the smell of brewing coffee in the morning will get you going before you get out of bed.”

Stretch while sleepy-eyed
Hit snooze, and then start stretching in bed to wake up and skip a step later. Didio recommends this routine:
1) Piriformis stretch. Bend your right knee, and cross it over your other leg. Pull your knee into your chest. Repeat with the other side.
2) Spine and upper body stretch. Extend your legs out straight, extend your arms overhead, and then reach.
3) Hamstring stretch. Bend your left knee slightly, and extend your right leg up toward the ceiling. Gently pull your leg at the ankle or knee towards your head. Repeat with the other side.

Set your alarm to blood-pumping beats
Are Rihanna and Gaga on your workout playlist? If that’s what livens you up, make a rockin’ song your wake-up call. “Set your alarm to kick-ass music,” DiDio says. “Fast-paced music gets us going and the heart rate moving.”

Make it habitual
Don’t think of morning workouts as forever, which will be too daunting a challenge for reformed night owls. Just find a way to get up a few days in a row. “Three times will make a habit,” DiDio says. “The more you work out in the morning, the more you’ll get used to it. Schedule your morning workouts in the beginning of the week and stick to them.”

Commit to a short workout
If you feel too tired at the start of your workout for a full hour, convince yourself to put in just 15 good minutes instead. “The shorter amount of time commitment will get you out of bed quicker, and chances are, you’ll stay for longer,” DiDio says.

Drink up
While this new study suggests you should exercise on an empty stomach, still sip some water before hitting the gym. “Put a glass of water by your bed and drink it first thing,” DiDio says. “Water energizes and refreshes the body, and gets you going.”

photo: Yellowj/Shutterstock

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