A New Reason to Sweat

Sweat: It’s hot, smelly, and, let’s face it, not exactly a good time. But according to a new study from the University of Michigan, sweat isn’t all bad: It might actually help your skin heal from cuts and burns faster. (Check out more ways Sweat Helps You.)

Researchers came to those conclusions by rounding up 31 brave participants, and then wounding them with lasers. When they biopsied the injured skin, the team found that one particular variety of sweat glands (called eccrine glands) had actually triggered skin-regenerating stem cells.

Here’s why that matters: Scientists had until now suspected that surface wounds healed from the outside in, thanks to new skin cells being created by existing skin cells around an injury. This new research upends that belief, instead suggesting that the millions of sweat glands lurking beneath the skin catalyze the production of those vital new cells.

(A little sweat is good, but too much can be the pits. Try these easy ways to stop excessive sweating.)

The discovery might one day yield better treatments for slow-to-heal wounds, like ulcers or bedsores. It might also be a great reason to hit the gym a little more often, especially the next time you’ve got a blister or a burn.

But before you decide to skip the shower after your next Zumba class, note that letting sweat linger isn’t going to do your skin any favors (it’s the production of sweat that matters). “Sweating can also trigger excess oil production, which can plug your pores and lead to acne,” says Alicia Zalka, MD, a dermatologist and founder of skin care website Surface Deep. ”Areas like the back, chest, and hairline—where there are a lot of sweat and oil glands—are affected the most.” To keep your skin clean post sweat sessions, opt for for cleansers that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, says Dr. Zalka. As long as you don’t have sensitive skin, combine them for best results.

Image: Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock

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