When Being Neurotic May Actually Help You

Turns out neuroticism isn’t all bad after all—it might be a sign that you’re in good health. People who are both neurotic and conscientious tend to have lower levels of a biomarker linked to inflammation-related conditions, like heart disease, arthritis, asthma, stroke, and some cancers, according to a new study from the University of Rochester Medical Center.

In the study, participants rated how accurately 26 adjectives matched their personalities. Each adjective related to one of the “Big 5” personality traits—neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. The researchers also periodically drew participants’ blood and tested for levels of the inflammation-related biomarker, Interleukin 6 (IL-6). People who showed signs of both neuroticism and conscientiousness had the lowest levels of IL-6.

It makes sense: personality traits tend to be associated with certain lifestyle behaviors that ultimately influence your health and well-being, says Nicholas Turiano, PhD, post-doctoral fellow in the URMC Department of Psychiatry and lead study author.

“People that are really neurotic—people that have a lot of anxiety—are going to self-medicate this anxiety,” Turiano says. Worst-case scenario: They binge eat, drink too much, and smoke—all of which can cause inflammation in the body. They also might not think of the long-term consequences of their unhealthy habits, he says. On the other hand, people with high levels of conscientiousness usually have better eating habits, like to exercise, and won’t abuse drugs or alcohol. And those who have high levels of both neuroticism and conscientiousness have different ways of dealing with stress, which can result in a “healthy neuroticism,” an anxiety that’s actually good for you.

“Healthy neuroticism is using your anxiety to not ruminate and get stuck in your problems,” says Turiano. “You’re so in-tune with what’s going on in your body—you have that much anxiety about your health—that you’re going to do something about it.” So though still neurotic, these people are able to think about the long-term consequences of their habits, which can lead to better decision-making, and a much healthier body.

Though neurotic symptoms and experiences vary by person, what makes them healthy (and even kind of useful), is if you have the self-discipline and high level of responsibility to actually do something about whatever’s stressing you out, according to Jon Belford, PhD, a psychologist based in New York City. So, for example, feeling anxious about things over which you have no control (like terrorism attacks or natural disasters) isn’t helpful or healthy. If, however, you freak out before a presentation at work, but take steps to prepare for it and make sure it goes off without a hitch, then it’s a healthy worry, he says.

Still, sometimes stress can get the better of you—where, even if you conceivably could control a situation’s outcome, you’re too stressed to take any necessary steps in the right direction. In those instances, here’s how to deal:

Breathe deeply. There’s a reason people tell you to take a deep breath. It’s a relaxation technique that can help keep you calm and clear your mind. (Here, more ways deep breathing can help your health.)

Give yourself a reality check. “Recognize the difference between the things you can change and the things you can’t,” says Belford. Also, if you’ve gone through a similar (or worse!) situation in the past, remind yourself that you got through it then, and can definitely get through it now.

Try to track your specific thoughts. “If you have been ruminating about a specific worry, or reacting to a certain thing for a long period of time, recognize that,” says Belford. Once you’re aware of what led to your anxiety, try to put steps together that will make the experience better in the future, he says.

Click here for more keep-your-cool tricks.

Image: Stockbyte/Thinkstock
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