The Easy Way to Be More Approachable

Want more attention when you’re out on the town? Try hitting the sack. A lack of shuteye makes you less attractive and less approachable to others, according to a new Swedish study.

Researchers photographed 25 people twice: once after sleeping for seven to eight hours a night, and again after logging just four hours of sleep. After that, 40 people judged both photographs on looks and rated how likely they would be to chat each person up. The results? People were less willing to socialize with sleepy-looking men and women.

That’s partially because—well—the tired people weren’t looking so hot. And since attractiveness can fuel sexual behavior, there was a lower willingness to socialize with them, says lead researcher John Axelsson, Ph.D., associate professor at Stockholm University.

Want a quick fix to look more alive? Ditch the bags under your eyes. A pearl-sized dollop of eye cream, dabbed under each eye before bed, can take years off your peepers. Most creams contain topical anti-inflammatories—chemicals like caffeine that dehydrate tissue, tightening the skin into a taut, dense layer to hide the dark circles. Skin care expert Autumn Henry, lead esthetician for Exhale Spa’s flagship location in Midtown Manhattan, recommends using both iS Clinical’s C Eye Advance and their Youth Eye Complex. (Find a dealer at

But looks aside, if you’re lacking ZZZ’s, you’re also lacking energy. (Want to wake up fast? Try these energizing yoga moves.) And no one wants to talk to a cranky zombie. So the next time you’re a little zonked at the bar, remember that your body language will reflect positive thoughts, says Tracey Steinberg, dating and flirting expert.

Instead of dreaming about your bed or ruminating on the bad happenings of the day, think positively while you catch his eye—it’ll instantly make you more approachable no matter how many hours (and cups of coffee) you’re running on.

Additional reporting by Brian Boye

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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