February 7: The Day When New Years Resolutions Die

Don’t freak out, but today is officially the workout apocalypse. By studying check-in patterns of more than 80 gym locations over three years, researchers associated with Gold’s Gym discovered that the biggest drop-off in gym participation regularly occurs 38 days after January 1—that would be today, February 7. “This is the most important fitness day of the year,” says David Reiseman, vice president of communications for Gold’s Gym. “This day could make the difference between someone meeting their goals or not.”

Don’t fall off the Fitness Cliff! Check out these articles to keep your workout motivation on track.

8 Ways to Stick to your Workout

Your Fittest Year Starts Here

Healthy Snacks for Dieters

Best Workout For your Body Type

Print It: Not-So-Guilty Recipes

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock 

More from Women’s Health:
Upgrade Your Life: 14 Resolutions to Make This Year
Achieve Your Goals
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Add 4 Years to Your Life

Wish there was an easy way to extend your life? Don’t waste your downtime.

According to a study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a part of the National Institutes of Health, staying active and getting a workout in your leisure time is associated with a longer life expectancy.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults ages 18 to 64 perform 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic physical activity per week and 1.25 hours of vigorous intensity activity per week.  Of the more than 650,000 adults that took part in a series of studies, those who reported twice the recommended levels of leisure-time physical activity lived an average of 4.2 years longer.

Researchers even saw an advantage to relatively low levels of activity as well. For example, participants who reported half of the recommended amount of physical activity still added 1.8 years to their life.

Generally speaking, physical activity stimulates muscles, improves aerobic capacity, boosts your metabolism, burns fat, and preserves a healthy cardiovascular system, says Jade Teta, CSCS, co-author of The Metabolic Effect Diet. All of these factors can help you ward off disease and keep your systems working stronger for longer.

And incorporating more activity into your existing schedule might be easier than you think. “As little as a minute of exercise can create significantly advantage to daily living,” Teta says. The important factor to remember is the intensity of your exercise—a long jog isn’t always better than a few burpees scattered throughout the day, he says.

And yes, the small action of parking your car further away from the store is a nice healthy habit to practice, but the best metabolic effect comes from short, intense bouts of cardiovascular exercise, says Teta. For example, doing pushups for one minute every one to two hours can boost your heart rate and stimulate your muscles without getting you hot and sweaty, says Teta.  And even just that few minutes of resistance training during your day can have a significant impact. “It’s like dropping a stone in a pond and watching the ripples,” he says. “You’ll get a disturbance in your metabolism for several hours long after the activity—like a little mini after-burn for your body,” he says.

Can’t do pushups in your office attire? Leave them for the weekend and look for other ways to incorporate short intense movements throughout the week, says Teta. Even running up the escalator, carrying your heavy groceries through the store, or raking your leaves can count—as long as you are pushing yourself hard enough. Teta says an activity counts as “intense” if it incorporates his “Bs and Hs,” meaning your activity should leave you breathless, cause muscles to burn, make the body feel heavy, or provide heat.

Perform a wall sit during the commercials the next time you watch your favorite sitcom and you’ll know exactly what he means.

Image: Comstock/Thinkstock

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15 Ways to Find More Time to Workout
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6 Ways to Add Years to Your Life

Need some extra motivation to kick your cigarette habit? This should do the trick: New research found that women who stop smoking before 40 live a decade longer than those who keep puffing into later life.

Recent findings from a study of over a million women found that smokers more than triple their risk of dying early compared to nonsmokers. Between 1996 and 2001 scientists from the University of Oxford in the U.K. recruited 1.3 million women aged 50–69 and questioned them about their smoking habits, medical history and social status. Twenty percent were smokers, 52 percent had never smoked, and 28 percent were ex-smokers. Women were questioned every few years throughout the twelve-year study, during which 66,000 participants died. Those who smoked throughout the duration of the study were three times as likely to die in the following nine years compared to those who didn’t smoke.

But it’s not all bad news—quitting today can help you down the line. The sooner you take your last drag the longer you’ll likely live, says Rachel Huxley, PhD, a professor of epidemiology and community health at the University of Minnesota who wrote an accompanying editorial to the study. Kicking the habit before middle age nearly eliminates the risk of premature death, and women who ditch the cigs in their 30s have even better odds of a long life. The reason: Fewer years of overall exposure to cigarette toxins that are linked to lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, Huxley says.

But say you don’t smoke, or you already quit—there are other steps you can take right now to help prolong your life. Here, 5 other ways to lengthen your lifeline:

Drink wine
Wine lovers rejoice! Research confirms that moderate drinkers (one glass per day for women) slash their risk of heart disease up to 40 percent. Love vino? Try red wine from Madiran, France, which has up to five times as many procyanidins (antioxidants that improve blood vessel function) as wines from other areas, thanks to the region’s traditional production techniques, which allow grapes to ferment longer.

Say Yes To Soy 
Studies show that healthy women who eat soy at least once a week cut their risk of breast cancer by 50 percent. But some research suggests that processed soy may actually rev up cancer cells, so chowing down on Veggie Dogs won’t cut it. Instead, stick to natural staples such as edamame, tofu, soy milk, and miso.

Slash Stress
Over time, stress can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity – all things that take years off your life. Stress is easy to squash, so don’t fret. Most people rank personal finances as their number one stressor, typically because they feel powerless. Try this: Keep some money in a special bank account, safe from your urge to splurge on a new designer bag. This will help you feel more secure with your finances and help reduce stress. Not sure the current economy will allow for additional savings? Learn the right way to negotiate a raise, or haggle for a discount.

Get Your Sweat On
Want to live longer? Hit the gym. Studies show that working out may lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 37 percent, osteoporosis by 45 percent, and heart disease by 14 percent. A combination of cardio and weight training boosts metabolism and burns fat, keeping heart disease at bay.  Check out The Keep-Your-Heart-Pumping Workout to keep your ticker in tip-top shape. If peeling your butt of the couch is the challenge, try these simple ways to get motivated 

Lose the Muffin Top
Maintaining a healthy weight not only keeps you looking hot in your hip-huggers, it wards off heart attacks and diabetes, too. To see if you’re a healthy size, check the circumference of your waist around your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So if you’re 5’2″ your waist should be less than 31 inches. Looking to whittle your middle? Avoiding processed foods laden with trans fats will help. Studies show that this type of fat packs on the most belly blubber, so limit yourself to 2 grams daily.

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Women’s Health Editors

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