Today’s post is given to you from fellow blogger Alyssa. She brings up some great points and I think you’re really going to enjoy the ever continuous battle between machines and free weights for women’s weight training!
- Quick question though: Before you start, which do you focus most on when working out?
Weight Machines Versus Free Weights: Which Should You Focus On?

When I began weight training it was important for me to zero in on the perfect combination for myself. My attempts at exploring more about the use of free weights and machines for strength building helped me understand and appreciate the benefits of each mode of training. Making an informed decision to chalk out an appropriate training program can go a long way in giving you the desired results.
The differences between machines and free weights for training
can be explained on different parameters as follows.
1. Efficacy
Free weights help in strength gain quickly as compared to machines. This is because training with free weights uses more muscles. The support that you get while using machines keeps you in your comfort zone but the number of calories burnt and overall effectiveness of your effort remains low unless you give more time to it.
2. Cost
Free weights cost nothing in comparison to the cost of a machine for workout. As you need a separate machine for different sets of muscles, you may well imagine the bill you will have to foot in case you plan to have a home gym with machines for strength training.
3. Need for an instructor
Each machine allows you specific movements and weights are adjustable as per your convenience. As you need not stretch yourself beyond your limits and the usage is fairly simple, the need for an instructor is not felt as much in case of machines. Free weights require you to train under an instructor to understand the suitability of different exercises for you. A beginner needs to be careful while using free weights. The presence of an instructor is a must in such a scenario.
4. Kind of workout
Free weights can be used for a full body workout. You can use them to do different kinds of exercises, using and working out different body muscles in the process. It is not possible in case of a machine as a machine is meant for specific movements that work particular body parts. No single machine can do what free weights can do for you.
5. Suitability of use after injury
Avoid free weights to avoid exerting an injured area and use machines instead. This is because machines are so built that these help you concentrate on one area at a time. Free weights can cause considerable damage if used for post injury rehabilitation.
Considering the benefits of each against the other will give you a fair idea of the appropriate solution for you. Free weights are appropriate for a workout at home in case you have trained with an instructor before. Buying numerous bulky machines for home use is impractical and expensive at the same time but the use of free weights by a novice makes the person prone to injury. Make sure you opt for what is appropriate for you.
About the Alyssa: Alyssa Clarke is a blogger who enjoys writing on fitness and health the most. At present she is busy writing a post on natural acne treatment. She also happens to be an eco enthusiast recently purchased the rinnai water heater to cut on her energy consumption.