Get This: Today is National Moscato Day!

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Today is National Moscato Day! Gallo Wines is hosting a Twitter party tonight to celebrate. Get festive by whipping up this delicious dessert recipe that calls for the sweet stuff. [Mom It Forward] 

Coca Cola promises to stop pushing Coke to kids. [Coca Cola]

Go nuts! New research shows that walnuts can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. [MedicalDaily]

Chatting at the wheel may be even more dangerous than you think. A new report shows that crashes caused by cell phones are seriously underreported. [USA Today]  

Remember that ridiculous amount of money it cost you to go to college? Well, it might only pay off if you went to a big school or got a degree in a high-paying field. [LA Times]

Your weight may be tied to your personality. New research shows an association between weight gain and impulsivity. [Huffington Post] 

“I can’t wait to try these cheese and onion chocolate bars!” –No one, ever. [The Daily Meal] 

A new iPhone app lets you make a to-do list for your sex life. Because nothing turns us on like being super productive! [Fast Company] 

photo: Zoonar/Thinkstock

javahut healthy feed

Dr. Oz Show Today 4/17/2012: Get More Energy Almost

Dr. Oz Show Today 4/17/2012: Get More Energy Almost
He says we can also get too much caffeine and not even know it. Things like ice cream have caffeine in them. Our body will adjust to caffeine and it will cause use to need more for the same effect. He says we can make a Rosemary Spritz by adding a …
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Nursing moms' caffeine intake doesn't wake babies
Pregnant and nursing women who consume caffeine aren't causing their babies to wake up at night, a new study says. The study involved 885 infants born in 2004 in Brazil, and the results showed that while babies of moms who were heavy consumers of …
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Today Is National Walk to Work Day!

professionals walking to work

Stop the trains, planes, and automobiles! Friday, April 6 is National Walk to Work Day, so lace up and walk on! We’re doing it, too. Join the WH staffers @WomensHealthMag as we walk to work, and tweet at us with the hashtag #OnMyWaytoWork to tell us about your journey.

Do you typically walk to work? Only 2.7 percent of commuters do, according to estimates from the 2010 American Community Survey. What a shame. I live a lucky 1.3 miles from work, and I relish the time I spend walking there. Just imagine having no bus or train to catch, no stressful rush hour traffic. Plus, fresh air and natural light provide a wake up call that even coffee can’t compete with.

But it should come as no surprise that so few people tackle their commutes by foot. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Americans commute an average of almost twelve miles each way—at a don’t-sweat-in-your-suit, 15 minute-per-mile pace, it would take you three hours to walk! Few people have the time for that kind of fitness plan. If you live too far from work to walk there, you can still add extra steps to your journey by parking further from your office, hopping off the bus, train, cab, or subway a stop or two early, or taking the stairs.

Make Your Walk Work Overtime
“Walking is an ideal way to strengthen almost every major organ in the body, promote bone density, and boost the immune system,” says Andrew Weil, M.D., a specialist in integrative medicine. Make the most of every step with Weil’s quick tips:

  • Improve your posture: Walk with your head erect, keep your back straight, and buttocks tucked in.
  • Sync your stride: Bend your arms and flex your elbows at approximately 90-degree angles, and swing your arms opposite to the movement of your legs.
  • Balance better: Take shorter, measured steps that place the heel on the ground first so you push off with the toes—too long a stride can throw you off balance.

Join us! Follow the WH staffers as we walk to work, and tweet @WomensHealthMag with the hashtag #OnMyWaytoWork to tell or show us what you saw on your commute!

More from WH:
Tips for a Healthier Workplace
15-Minute Workouts
Yoga Moves to Wake You Up

photo: Photodisc/Thinkstock

Women’s Health News Blog: Latest Health Headlines and Tips to Stay Healthy

Shuttle to arrive today; man rear-ended, robbed; coffee vendors shut out of

Shuttle to arrive today; man rear-ended, robbed; coffee vendors shut out of
Want to buy gourmet coffee at your local farmer's market? You may be out of luck. Local roasters are getting shut out of some area events because of restrictions on the sale of products not grown in the immediate area — like coffee beans.
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Morning coffee brief
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