Lower Your Risk of Hospitalization

If you’re struggling to shed some pounds, this might be the push that you need to tip the scale back in your favor. People with a higher body mass index (BMI) are more likely to be hospitalized with serious health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, and more, according to a new study published in The International Journal of Obesity.

“Our study adds to the growing body of evidence that being overweight, not just obese, can increase your risk of health problems,” says lead author Rosemary Korda, PhD, Research Fellow at the Australian National University. “We showed that, on average, risk of hospitalization increases gradually as BMI increases, starting with people in the overweight range.” For reference, overweight is defined as a BMI between 25 and 30; obese is a BMI of 30 or above.

Researchers analyzed the health data of nearly 250,000 people (age 45 and older) in New South Wales over a two-year period of time. The rate of hospitalization (of at least one night) was highest among those with the highest BMI (35-50). That means that for every 1,000 women with the highest BMI surveyed, 183 were hospitalized per year. Even more alarming? This was true of both physically active and inactive people, and of smokers and non-smokers alike, according to the study. So working out and avoiding cancer sticks alone may not save you from having to check in to the hospital.

“Being overweight or obese increases your risk even if you are physically very active,” says Korda. “While our study did not look at the effectiveness of diet and exercise directly, our findings do suggest that if you are overweight or obese and are able to lower your weight through a healthy diet and exercise, this is likely to reduce your risk of health problems and hospitalization.”

Use these four tried-and-true weight-loss strategies to get on the road to a speedier slim-down—and to help keep you out of a hospital gown:

A Non-Crazy Two-Day Cleanse
Jumpstart your weight-loss with this short and sweet Look Better Naked cleanse. Get the meal plan, here.

8 Ways to Suppress Your Appetite
Sometimes, a grumbling stomach can be the biggest diet saboteur. Learn how to trick yourself into feeling satisfied—and keep your hunger hormones in check. Get the tips, here.

Fatty Foods That Make You Skinny
Yes, you read that right. Turns out, certain fatty foods can work for you by boosting your metabolism, improving your heart health, and more. Add these five foods to your diet to fill up—not out.

The Easiest Ways to a Hotter (and Healthier!) Bod
Losing weight doesn’t have to be a complete nightmare. These five easy tricks will make you stronger and leaner in no time. Click here to get the tips.

photo: Siri Stafford/Photodisc/Thinkstock

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Take THIS to Cut Your Ovarian Cancer Risk

Sure, most OTC painkillers can effectively knock out your cramps, headache, and many other pesky aches. But there may be an even better reason to pop those pills—and make sure they contain aspirin: new research shows that regularly taking an aspirin-based pain reliever may reduce your risk of the fifth-leading cause of cancer deaths among women—ovarian cancer.

The recent Danish study of 2,320 women between the ages of 35 and 79 (including 756 with ovarian cancer of varying severity) found that women who took aspirin two or more times per week for longer than a month were less likely to develop ovarian cancer than those who typically took non-aspirin pain relievers, or none at all.

Aspirin’s cancer-fighting power comes from its anti-inflammatory effects, which reduce the chronic inflammation suspected to play a role in the development of cancer, says study author Susanne Krüger Kjær, M.D., of the Danish Cancer Society Research Center and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Copenhagen University Hospital, both in Copenhagen, Denmark. So why were non-aspirin pain relievers—which may also reduce inflammation—found to be less effective at curbing cancer? “This may reflect differences in the way these drugs induce their effect on inflammation,” says Kjær.

The medicine cabinet staple boasts even more beyond-the-label benefits. While the OTC drug won’t necessarily shield women from heart disease, it could help reduce men’s risk of heart attack. And for women ages 55 to 79, the U.S. Preventive Task Force recommends taking regular doses of the aspirin to stave off strokes. (Younger than 55? Strokes are more common than ever among younger women. Here’s how to reduce your stroke risk.)

So are the virtues of aspirin reason enough to start popping pills as if they’re candy? Kjær says the protective effects should be balanced against possible adverse effects, such as risk of bleeding and peptic ulcers.

Want to slash your ovarian cancer risk the safe way? Begin with these tips. 

photo: Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Thinkstock

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The South Beach Wake-Up Call Heal your body with seven simple strategies for age-reversing, lifesaving weight loss and optimal health from The South Beach Diet Wake-Up Call: 7 Real-Life Strategies for Living Your Healthiest Life Ever. Buy the book today!

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The Scary New Health Risk in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s

Strokes aren’t just grandma’s problem anymore. Alarming numbers of young women (even in their 20s!) are now suffering from strokes, according to a new study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Researchers looked at instances of first-ever strokes and found that people under 55 years of age make up about 19 percent of all stroke patients in 2005—up almost 50% from 1993. Meanwhile, the number of strokes among 20- to 44-year-old Caucasians (who are generally at less risk than African Americans) has nearly doubled.

“There is a disturbing trend, an epidemic of diabetes and obesity in young adults in this country,” says study author Brett Kissela, M.D., a neurology professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. “The longer you have these risk factors, the greater your chances for having a stroke.” What’s more, as many young women assume strokes only occur in the elderly, they aren’t addressing their risk factors. “They are less likely to go to the doctor, because they assume they’re in good health,” says Kissela, noting that women can go from feeling fine one second to suffering a stroke the next.

It’s no wonder that strokes rank as the fourth leading killer—and the most common cause of adult disability—in the United States.

And while you can’t change your family history of stroke–which may make you more susceptible, yourself–you can eliminate just about every other risk factor out there:

6 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Stroke

Lower Your Blood Pressure “High blood pressure is the number-one risk factor for stroke, and many young women do not realize if they have it,” says Kissela. High blood pressure causes the heart to pump harder to move blood through the body, which can weaken blood vessels and damage organs (like your brain). While the ideal blood pressure is different for every person, a generally healthy range is less than 120 over 80, and everyone should have their pressure checked at least every two years.

Keep Your Cholesterol in Check Your cholesterol levels can say a lot about your health. While LDL or “bad” cholesterol has been shown to increase stroke risk, HDL or “good” cholesterol can actually decrease your risk. Oats, beans, legumes, fish, nuts, red wine, green tea, tomatoes, grapefruits, and even cocoa can help keep your cholesterol in balance. The National Stroke Association recommends that all adults age 20 and older have their cholesterol checked at least once every five years. Shoot for a cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL.

Feed Your Noggin What you eat influences your risk big time, Kissela says. While a typical Western-style diet ups stroke risk by 58 percent, consuming more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish—the same foods that guard against so many other diseases—can lower your risk of stroke by 30 percent, according to the Nurses’ Health Study. When it comes to produce, look for folate (found in dark, leafy greens), potassium (in bananas and pumpkins), and lycopene (in tomatoes and watermelon). Another recent study from the American Academy of Neurology found that people who consume the greatest amounts of lycopene are 55 percent less likely to have a stroke than people who consume the lowest amounts.

Get Your Sweat On If you’ve been looking for some workout motivation, here it is: A regular exercise habit lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, and reduces your risk of obesity and diabetes. Basically, it slashes risk factors left and right—no matter when you jump on the fitness bandwagon. Increasing your exercise time by 3.5 hours per week can reduce your stroke risk by almost 40 percent, regardless of age, according to the American Medical Association.

Pop the Right Pill Taking estrogen, such as that contained in the combination birth control pill, can increase a woman’s risk of having a stroke. A 2012 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that risk of stroke is up to 1.7 times higher in women who take low doses of estrogen—and that taking a higher dose can increase that risk up to 2.3 times higher. If you have risk factors for stroke, talk to your doctor about progestin-only birth control options such as the “mini-pill” (a progestin-based oral contraceptive that’s free of estrogen), implant, shot, or IUD, which have not been found to significantly change the risk of having a stroke.

Avoid the D Word Diabetes quadruples your risk of suffering a stroke, since diabetes often comes with high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity—and treating diabetes can delay the onset of complications that increase the risk of stroke, according to the National Stroke Association. But 7 million Americans—many of whom are active and fit—don’t know they have it. If you’re over 45 or under 45 and overweight, have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, or have given birth to a baby weighing more than nine pounds, the National Institutes of Health recommends that you talk to your doctor about getting tested. While diabetes can affect young, fit women—including some surprising celebrities—there are ways to reduce your risk of diabetes and stroke.

photo: Creatas Images/Creatas/Thinkstock

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The South Beach Wake-Up Call Heal your body with seven simple strategies for age-reversing, lifesaving weight loss and optimal health from The South Beach Diet Wake-Up Call: 7 Real-Life Strategies for Living Your Healthiest Life Ever. Buy the book today!

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