Do Short Emails Piss People Off?

Everyone has their own style when it comes to technology: Some people kick off emails with a “Dear so-and-so,” while others don’t even type “hi.” Some people send novel-length text messages, while others send incomplete sentences. In a recent New York Times article, writer Nick Bilton makes the case that many short emails and texts are rude.

His argument? Sending emails or text messages that just say “Thank you”—or leaving voicemails when someone doesn’t answer the phone—can be a waste of time for the person on the receiving end, particularly since their digital mailboxes are likely already overflowing.

Regardless of whether you agree with Bilton’s point of view, the fact remains that people today are inundated with emails, texts, calls, and voicemails—and it can sometimes be hard to decide how (or if) you should respond.

A lot of it comes down to the preference of the person on the receiving end—especially in an office setting or if that person is your boss. “You have to know who the audience is, how they operate, and how they want to be communicated to,” says Dan Schawbel, Gen Y career expert and author of the forthcoming Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success. Follow the person’s lead, or if you’re feeling up to it, ask what they prefer. If your boss is heading out for a meeting and expecting a message, for example, say, “What’s the best way for me to get this information to you?”

Keep reading for other tech etiquette tips:

Your email strategy
“All emails really should contain a specific purpose,” says etiquette expert Lisa Mirza Grotts. Even a message that just says “thank you,” for example, can let the recipient know that you received their email. If your boss sends you an assignment and you don’t respond—even with a quick “Sounds good!”—she has no way of knowing that you’re on top of the task. The same goes for responding to an appointment cancellation, a completed assignment, or even a congratulatory message.

“You’re welcome” emails, on the other hand, aren’t necessary. A good rule of thumb? Before you fire off a short email, ask yourself if it has a point. Is it to show receipt? Go for it. Is it for the heck of it? Hold off.

Your texting strategy
You know the unspoken rules for texting friends, but texting in a business setting can get a little trickier. Definitely check with your managers or colleagues before you start texting them. And even if they give you the green light, Schawbel says text swapping should only be done for small messages. “The package you were waiting for just came in” works well here, but save any conversation that requires emotion or tone for a different medium.

Your voicemail strategy
Voicemail is dying, says Schawbel. “Why call when I can just send a quick text and I know it will get through?” he says. “People don’t even have time to listen to voicemails anymore.” Point being, it’s probably safer not to leave voicemails for other people.

That said, if you receive a voicemail, you cannot just ignore it. You could miss a call from your credit card company or a recruiter—yikes. Plus, it’s just more considerate to the person on the other end of the line. “With any type of communication, the faster you respond, the better,” says Schawbel. “That’s also part of what’s happening with our culture.”

Business-related voicemails are their own story. If you’re calling someone for work-related purposes, managers and colleagues expect you to know how to leave a message that’s professional and on-topic. Never just say, “Call me,” says Jacqueline Whitmore, etiquette expert and author of Poised for Success. State your name, number, and the purpose of your call. It might sound silly, but it gets the right message across.

TELL US: When do you think it is and isn’t OK to send a short email or leave a voicemail? What are your biggest tech-related pet peeves? Sound off in the comments!

photo: Stockbyte/Thinkstock

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