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Short answer: It depends.
Long answer: It depends on the length and depth of your messages, if you’ve spoken on the phone, when you feel comfortable, and lastly, how many dud dates you can tolerate going on…
Length and Depth of Your Messages
A first date doesn’t have to be a blind date. You should (at least) vaguely know who you are about to meet. That said, if you try to put off meeting a guy until you could write a biography of his life, you are never going to meet anyone in person. A guy will lose interest far before the first date ever (doesn’t) come. And if he doesn’t, there is probably something wrong with him.
If You’ve Spoken on the Phone
Do I like his voice? That might be all I need to know to tell if I’ll be attracted to him. A 2004 study found that a deep voice in men indicates both more symmetrical facial features and muscle mass, both of which I indicate as dead sexy. And call me old-fashioned, but when a guy asks me out on a date, I want it to be over the phone. Not via an email or a text message. A formal asking out just makes me feel more valued and comfortable, which brings me to my next deciding factor…
When You Feel Comfortable
Besides wearing jeggings, Uggs, and under wire-free bras, knowing a last name makes me feel more comfortable meeting a virtual stranger in person. Because then, and only then, can I effectively Google him.
How Many Dud Dates You Can Tolerate Going On
The less time you wait to meet, the more dates you will go on…but a higher percentage of them will be awful. But you still might get a free meal, and that should never go unappreciated.