FDA Moves Forward With OTC Plan B-One Step Approval

Since April 2013, we’ve been closely following the legislation ordering emergency contraception (like Plan B One-Step and its generics) to be accessible over the counter, without any age or point-of-sale restrictions. Check out the latest developments below, and continue checking back for more coverage.  

Emergency contraception is now closer to making its debut on store shelves. Yesterday,the FDA approved the use of Plan B-One Step without a prescription for women of all ages. This announcement marks the FDA’s compliance with the April 5 order by Federal Judge Edward Korman, which ordered the FDA to make levonorgestral-based emergency contraceptives available without any age or point-of-sale restrictions.

While Korman originally asked that all morning after pills of this type be available on store shelves, his back-and-forth battle with the DOJ ended in a compromise on June 10, when they announced that they would make Plan B One-Step (the most popular brand on the market) available without restrictions and Korman accepted this. As a result of that, Plan B’s manufacturer provided a supplemental new drug application to the FDA, and the FDA approved this on Thursday.  The only downside: this still means that the cheaper generic and two-pill versions of emergency contraception will remain behind the pharmacy counter.

This approval by the FDA does mention that Plan B One-Step is a drug that is safe and effective for women of all ages. It also reinforces the point that emergency contraception will not stop a pregnancy if the woman is already pregnant and that there is currently no medical evidence to suggest that it would harm a developing fetus.

While there is no word yet on when we can expect to see Plan B next to the condoms, it seems encouraging that the FDA was speedy in their approval of the new guidelines. Check back soon for updates.

photo: alpimages/Shutterstock

More from Women’s Health:
Plan B One-Step in the Works to Hit Store Shelves
Obama Administration Reverses Course on Plan B 
What Is Emergency Contraception? 

javahut healthy feed

6 Workout Moves to Do With Your Dog

Some fitness partners flake out, miss workouts, or make excuses. But here’s a partner that won’t: your dog. New fitness classes for out-of-shape people and their pets are popping up across the country. And it’s about time: More than 52 percent of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention’s 2012 National Pet Obesity Survey. Compare that to the stats for their owners: About one-third of Americans are obese, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control.

Working out with your dog doesn’t just benefit your health, though. It can be a real treat for your pet—and for you. “A dog is the best motivator you’ll ever have,” says Tricia Montgomery, founder and president of K9 Fit Club, a Hinsdale, IL-based fitness club for people and their pets. “All they want to do is spend time with you and please you,” she says. “They look forward to it.” And although they won’t judge you for skipping workouts, it’s tough to say no when you have to face a wagging tail.

If you don’t live near a dog-friendly class—and aren’t into running with your canine—you can still get in on the fit-pet action. Montgomery created this 30-minute circuit, which alternates between cardio and body-weight training moves, to give you and your canine a heart-pumping full-body workout.

The only equipment you need is your leashed four-legged friend. Holding the leash, warm up together with a minute-long power walk, then perform high knees and butt kicks until you feel loose. Standing in place, perform arm circles while your dog stands next to you until your shoulders feel warmed up. Then repeat the following circuit three times, two to three times per week:

Rover’s reverse lunges with paw
Tell your dog to sit. Then face him with your feet together. Step back with one foot so that your front leg is bent at a 90-degree angle with your knee directly above your ankle. At the bottom of each lunge, ask your dog for his paw to “shake.” Release the dog’s paw as you stand to return to your starting position. Repeat on the other side, and ask your dog for his other paw. Repeat for 20 reps.
NOTE: If your dog doesn’t know how to “shake”—or won’t do it 20 times—pat him on the head instead.

Sit-and-stay side shuffles
Holding the leash so your dog moves with you, perform a side shuffle across the room or workout area. Then, facing the same direction, shuffle back to your starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Paws push ups
Ask your dog to sit or lie down next to you while you get into pushup position. Keeping your abs tight, and elbows tucked into your sides, lower your body until it hovers above the ground, then push back up. Do as many as you can, dropping from your toes to your knees if needed.  While you recover, have your dog do five Doggy Push Ups: Tell him to sit, then lay down five times.

Waggin’ wall sit
With your back against a wall, sit so your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. If your dog is small, hold him. If your dog is large, ask him to put his paws on your lap to increase the challenge.  Hold the wall sit for up to one minute.

High-paw knees
Perform high knees back and forth across the room or outdoor space while your dog walks or jogs next to you. Repeat for one minute.

Puppy planks
With your dog laying next to you, get into pushup position on your toes or knees with your elbows under your shoulders. Tighten your core and make sure your butt is aligned with your shoulders so your body forms a straight line. Hold for up to one minute while breathing normally.


More from WH:
The Best Pet-Friendly Fitness Classes
The Coolest New Fitness Classes
The Hottest Fitness Trends of 2013

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