Get This: Today is National Moscato Day!

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Today is National Moscato Day! Gallo Wines is hosting a Twitter party tonight to celebrate. Get festive by whipping up this delicious dessert recipe that calls for the sweet stuff. [Mom It Forward] 

Coca Cola promises to stop pushing Coke to kids. [Coca Cola]

Go nuts! New research shows that walnuts can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. [MedicalDaily]

Chatting at the wheel may be even more dangerous than you think. A new report shows that crashes caused by cell phones are seriously underreported. [USA Today]  

Remember that ridiculous amount of money it cost you to go to college? Well, it might only pay off if you went to a big school or got a degree in a high-paying field. [LA Times]

Your weight may be tied to your personality. New research shows an association between weight gain and impulsivity. [Huffington Post] 

“I can’t wait to try these cheese and onion chocolate bars!” –No one, ever. [The Daily Meal] 

A new iPhone app lets you make a to-do list for your sex life. Because nothing turns us on like being super productive! [Fast Company] 

photo: Zoonar/Thinkstock

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