The Supplement That Will Keep You Young

fish oil benefitsIs the fountain of youth actually a nutritional supplement? Researchers at Ohio State University think so.

They found that taking omega-3 supplements (a.k.a. fish oil) can help slow the body’s aging process by lengthening telomeres that often shorten with age. Telomeres are small DNA segments in white blood cells that shorten over time as the result of aging. They act like caps at the ends of chromosomes, so if they shorten, the DNA can unravel. That’s major bad news for your cells.

Another recent publication from this study showed that omega-3 supplements lowered inflammation levels in the same subjects. Researchers believe that the less inflammation, the better for the preservation of telomeres.

This one-two punch of lengthened telomeres and reduced inflammation could potentially decrease the risk for other major diseases associated with aging like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease, study authors say. Plus, Omega-3 supplementation reduced oxidative stress, caused by excessive free radicals in the blood, by about 15 percent compared to effects seen in the placebo group.

So, while omega-3s won’t prevent wrinkles or other physical signs of aging, they could help you live a longer, happier life.

How Much Do You Need?
It’s best to get nutrients from whole food sources first, but if you don’t eat at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish per week, then it’s a good idea to take a fish oil supplement.

In this study, participants took either a placebo or a supplement containing 2.5 grams or 1.25 grams of active omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with 7 to 1 ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for four months. Just be sure to take less than 3 grams a day since fish oil can thin your blood.

Foods Rich in Omega-3s
Want to eat your way young? There are plenty of options. Fish is the most well-known source, but here are a few others.

Fatty Fish
• Salmon
• Tuna
• Sardines
• Mackerel
• Anchovies
• Herring

Nut and Plant Oils
• Walnut oil
• Canola Oil
• Soybean Oil

Nuts and Seeds
• Flaxseeds
• Chia seeds
• Walnuts
• Pecans
• Pine nuts

Additional reporting by Jessica Girdwain

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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How Beer Can Keep You Buff

Beer bellies, be damned. A new Japanese study found that an ingredient in beer contains compounds that can keep your muscles strong. To the dismay of many, though, the secret ingredient has nothing to do with alcohol—it’s the hops, the ingredient in beer that gives the brew its flavor, aroma, and taste, from dry and bitter to spicy, fruity flower notes, says Fergal Murray, Guinness master brewer.

Researchers at the University of Tokushima fed mice a flavonoid (chemical compound) found in hops. The mice were kept sedentary, which meant that they lost muscle mass. But the critters that ate the compound lost 10% less muscle mass than the rodents that didn’t.

“Normally, muscles will deteriorate when they aren’t being strained in a sedentary environment,” says Beth McDonald, registered dietician at the Beth Israel Medical Center’s Center for Health and Healing, and master of science in applied physiology in nutrition and integrated sports nutrition. Essentially: Use it, or lose it. “But this study shows that the flavonoid can help to reduce this normal atrophy.”

But that doesn’t mean that you should start knocking back brewskies during your Real Housewives of New Jersey marathons. The study authors admit that a human would have to drink at least 80 liters—over 150 pints—of beer per day to ingest the necessary amount of flavonoids to see the same results. For most of us, that’s not exactly an option.

The good news is that there are legit ways to keep your muscles strong, and they don’t involve guzzling booze. Instead? Stay fit with these three simple tips:

1. Move it! “The best way to maintain muscle mass is through regular exercise, including two to three days of resistance training a week,” says McDonald. Not sure where to begin? Start with one of the best strength training exercises for women.

2. Load up on protein. “Your muscles will deteriorate if you don’t have ample protein,” says McDonald, which is why eating an adequate and varied diet including both animal and plant protein is vital—the key being varied. That means pile your plate with beans, tofu, edamame, low-fat dairy, fish, chicken, lean red meat, and eggs. (Any of these satisfying protein-packed recipes will do.) “Your body needs different amino acids, the building blocks of bones and tissues, to fuel muscle growth,” says McDonald. So how much strength-pumping protein do you need? Do the math: About half a gram of protein per pound of body weight per day should do the trick. For a 130-pound woman, that’s 65 grams of protein per day. For some perspective, a large egg has 6 grams, a 3.5 oz piece of chicken has 30 grams, and half a cup of tofu has 20 grams.

3. And don’t skimp on… those colorful fruits and veggies! We know—you’ve heard it before. But the phytonutrients and antioxidants found on a colorful plate really do help to prevent muscle atrophy—even if they don’t deliver as good a buzz as beer.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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