Sometimes it’s all you can do to drag yourself to the gym—let alone give your workout your all. That’s where your mind and imagination come in—at least for Mindy Kaling.
The hilarious actress shared her gymspiration strategy with website Refinery29 recently: “My go-to is someone murdered my gorgeous, perfect, sweetheart husband, who looks like Michael Fassbender, and I then have to get in shape to murder him/her with my bear [sic] hands. Sometimes the murderer is hot too, and I have to sleep with them before I kill them. Like Tom Hardy or something. Use it!” Hey, whatever works, right?
With that in mind, Women’s Health asked its Twitter followers to share the off-the-wall tips that keep them inspired to perspire.
Women’s Health asked…
Got a crazy, weird, or totally random workout motivation strategy? Tweet itto us with the hashtag #gymspiration
— Women’s Health Mag (@WomensHealthMag) April 16, 2013
Ever imagine running from zombies (or an ex!) on the treadmill? Tweet usyour craziest workout motivations with #gymspiration
— Women’s Health Mag (@WomensHealthMag) April 11, 2013
Followers answered:
@womenshealthmag Ryan Gosling at the finish line of course…is there an app for that? #gymspiration #heygirlrun
— Carly Swanson (@CarlySamsonite) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag I use Foursquare!I am now ‘mayor’ of my gym, so I try to go everyday so I don’t loose my title! #gymspiration
— Casey Sorrell (@CaseyJSorrell) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag whenever I’m doing cardio kick boxing, I imagine I’m punching my ex in the head when I’m jabbing. #gymspiration
— Malina Bey (@mbey32) April 9, 2013
@womenshealthmag I imagine myself running on the beach in a James Bond bikini ala Halle Berry #gyminspiration
— muneerah barnes (@munfeen) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag I pretend I’m on the @amazingrace_cbsand I run faster and climb hills, if I’m running I’m winning! #gymspiration
— Jane Patricia (@jjanepatricia) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag I pretend I’m in an inspirational music video! #gymspiration
— Vanessa Armstrong (@blubutterfly512) April 9, 2013
@womenshealthmag i think about people i dont like. “Looking good is the best revenge.” #gymspiration
— Mary (@aznstarlette) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag When rowing I shut eyes & imagine am doing the Oxbridge boatrace, imagine cheers, swimming imagine the Olympics #motivation
— creativelycat (@creativelycat) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag listen to some awesome feel good tunes and tell myself, “you’re going to be GREAT today, #Let‘sGo!” #gymspiration
— Sasha Rawstorne(@Sashrawstors) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag I imagine that I am running into the arms of @jtimberlake, or @channingtatum …depending on the day.#gymspiration
— Caitlin Pavisha (@CaitlinPavisha) April 9, 2013
@womenshealthmag AND I think about a friend of mine and her ROCKIN triceps. She inspires me.
— re:surface skin (@resurfaceskin) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag my #gymspiration is jock jams radio on pandora
nothing like some upbeat music to get your butt in your workout gear!
— Jamie Spalding (@jspaldinggg) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag My kids smacking me on my rear, and telling me it’s jiggly, is all it takes to get me motivated. #gymspiration
— Tiffany Campbell (@thefunruiner) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag i hang my favourite jeans that are too small for me on the door in front of my treadmill at home #gymspiration
— Heidi Beckett (@sexywifey2170) April 16, 2013
@womenshealthmag Swimming: imagine being chased by a shark!
— Mrs Nix (@billericaynikki) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag I imagine running towards myself, in skinny jeans
— Stephanie (@tephdee) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag I went through my entire life via mental pictures. Before I knew it, 5 miles was up. #gymspiration
— Sydney Champagne (@SydneyChampagne) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag @zombiesrungame is the best! I hated running before…HATED. #gymspiration
— Ashley Cobert (@akcober) April 11, 2013
@womenshealthmag obviously pretend racing the person on the treadmill next to you #gymspiration
— Margaux (@margauxflo) April 11, 2013
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