Couples vs. Friends with Benefits: Who Has More Sex?

You hear it from your single guy friends all the time: “Having a girlfriend totally kills your sex life!” But according to new research, your bachelor buddies are way off base.

People in traditional relationships not only have more sex than those in “friends with benefits” relationships, but they’re also more satisfied with their sex life and the person they’re shagging, says a recent study in the Journal of Sex Research.

Researchers surveyed 376 people—half in a traditional relationship, the other half in a friends with benefits scenario—about their sex lives: how much sex they had, how exclusive they were with their partners, how satisfied they were, their go-to sex acts, and more. The results: Although those who liked their flings without strings attached had more hookup buddies—an average of 6.37 lifetime partners, compared to 1.9 for the traditional group—people in relationships generally had a better time.

“Clearly there’s no right or wrong when it comes to what type of relationship you want to have,” says study author Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., a social psychologist at Harvard University. But the results showed that those in committed relationships were happier and more satisfied, he says.

Another possible reason for the happiness boost: more commitment equals more communication. Lehmiller’s data showed that traditional couples were more open with each other when it came to discussing sex, including needs, boundaries, desires, and STI history.

Friends with benefits beat committed folks in one department, though: condom use. But that’s most likely due to sex buddies taking precautions against any unwanted complications, Lehmiller says.

photo: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Thinkstock

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Couples vs. Friends with Benefits: Who Has More Sex?

You hear it from your single guy friends all the time: “Having a girlfriend totally kills your sex life!” But according to new research, your bachelor buddies are way off base.

People in traditional relationships not only have more sex than those in “friends with benefits” relationships, but they’re also more satisfied with their sex life and the person they’re shagging, says a recent study in the Journal of Sex Research.

Researchers surveyed 376 people—half in a traditional relationship, the other half in a friends with benefits scenario—about their sex lives: how much sex they had, how exclusive they were with their partners, how satisfied they were, their go-to sex acts, and more. The results: Although those who liked their flings without strings attached had more hookup buddies—an average of 6.37 lifetime partners, compared to 1.9 for the traditional group—people in relationships generally had a better time.

“Clearly there’s no right or wrong when it comes to what type of relationship you want to have,” says study author Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., a social psychologist at Harvard University. But the results showed that those in committed relationships were happier and more satisfied, he says.

Another possible reason for the happiness boost: more commitment equals more communication. Lehmiller’s data showed that traditional couples were more open with each other when it came to discussing sex, including needs, boundaries, desires, and STI history.

Friends with benefits beat committed folks in one department, though: condom use. But that’s most likely due to sex buddies taking precautions against any unwanted complications, Lehmiller says.

photo: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Thinkstock

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Your Facebook Friends Are Stressing You Out

Finally, an excuse to DECLINE all those friend requests on Facebook. Turns out the more Facebook friends you have, the more stress you feel, according to a report from the University of Endiburgh Business School.”

Researchers surveyed 300 people about their Facebook friendships and their levels of stress and anxiety. They found that most people had an average of seven different social circles on Facebook, including friends known online, extended family, friends of friends, and colleagues. The people with more friends, and a greater variety of friends, reported feeling more stressed. Also, adding employers and parents as friends was correlated with an increase in stress, as well.

Why the anxiety? For starters, Facebook forces you to interact with a diverse range of audiences: peers, colleagues, and family. And with more friends comes more potential for social weirdness, says Irene S. Levine, Ph. D., author of Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Break-up with Your Best Friend.

“In real life, you might not invite all three groups to the same cocktail party or dinner, because it could be awkward,” she says. “It’s not surprising that something similar would happen online—if everyone is seeing the same posts, there are no social filters.” For instance, you feel totally comfortable sharing pics of a wild bachelorette party with your closest girlfriends, but would rather that Bob from accounting not get a peek at the shenanigans. And yes, you can set certain posts to private, or so that only some people can see—but sometimes it’s hard to keep track of who’s on what list.

Another possible reason for this friend-related anxiety: Spreading yourself too thin between too many friends can cause your relationships to weaken, says Shasta Nelson, CEO of, and author of Friendships Don’t Just Happen! The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of Girlfriends.

“Women who try to maintain friendships with too many people are at risk of multiplying the stressors of friendships—inviting, scheduling, emails, remembering events and dates—without really getting the most important benefits of friendship—intimacy, vulnerability, forgiveness, honesty, feeling seen, and being supported,” she says.

As a result, the more social you are, the more isolated you may feel, says Nelson. “People who are social bees have a big social group but still struggle with loneliness because they haven’t fostered deep friendships,” she says. The healthiest people have a wide circle of casual friends, but small circle of three to seven close friends, she explains.

Want to build those inner circle bonds? Follow Nelson’s guidelines:

Pinpoint 3 Pals
Nelson recommends identifying three friends you want to get to know better, and prioritizing those interactions. Then focus your time on getting to know those people more intimately—set up dinner plans, be proactive in inviting them to fun events, respond to their emails before everyone else’s—instead of trying to move forward your relationships with everyone you know.

Gather Up a Group
Meeting in a small group, like for a girl’s night out or a recurring monthly book club, can help you save time and alleviate stress by helping you build several relationships at once, says Nelson.

Set a Schedule
Plan your play dates as consistently as possible, like scheduling a brunch the first Sunday of every month. Having a pre-planned meeting allows you to enjoy the fun part of the friendship without the stress of planning the outing or coordinating multiple peoples’, says Nelson. Consider setting up a Google calendar invite that automatically populates your friends’ calendars, so it’s not something anyone has to think about more than once.

Image: Goodshoot/Thinkstock

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Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

guy checking out girlWhile you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends.

Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception of how attracted their friend was to them. The findings confirmed long-standing rom-com stereotypes: Men are much more attracted to their female friends than vice versa. Guys also tend to overestimate their gal-pal’s attraction towards them, while women underestimate how much their guy friends want them. Men were also more willing to act on mistaken mutual attraction. This research suggests that men, more so than women, have a hard time being ‘just friends’—as Billy Crystal’s character Harry says in the classic When Harry Met Sally, “the sex thing always gets in the way.”

Study results also show that stress levels soar when hormones mix with co-ed friendships. If the thought of your guy friend reenacting a Fifty Shades of Grey scenario in his head every time you two hang out makes you want to gag, you should know what to say in case he pulls a move. If you want to remain friends, the most important thing is that he doesn’t feel rejected, says psychotherapist Bonnie Eaker Weil Ph.D., author of Make Up, Don’t Break Up. Tell him you’re really flattered he wants to take things to the next level, but even though he’s an attractive guy (possibly a white lie that’ll spare his ego a little), you don’t want to spoil the friendship by crossing a line.

photo: Wavebreak Media/Thinkstock

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