So You Think You’re A Fitness Freak?

Each day that I can’t work out my lower body I am getting a bit more stir crazy… I’ll be honest, I have had thoughts of “oh maybe walking on the treadmill won’t be so bad” or “the elliptical won’t put too much pressure on that knee” kind of talk in my head.

Should I or Shouldn't I… internal debating going on!

But then my better side reminds me that I want to be fit and healthy for years to come so I have to chill right now to make that happen! I actually think the internal dialogue was more like this:

“Hey you fitness freak, don’t “f” yourself up more, chill out.”

Point taken. Thanks.

However I was inspired to think of all the little silly quirks that makes me (and maybe you) a fitness freak… Things like:

  • Owning more sports bras than regular bras. And when I do wear a normal, push-up I want to take it off immediately.
  • I know which benches are too worn down at the gym, which is best for step-ups and which is best for bench press… yes there are two separate benches I prefer to use.
  • I get really excited about buying new workout clothes, not so excited about buying real, every day clothes
  • I sometimes go a full week with my hair pulled back in a ponytail, and then get surprised when I finally do it and see how long it’s getting. What’s the point of drying it to look nice if it’s just going to get sweaty anyways?
  • I get bummed if I am not sore the morning after a tough workout. Pain is gain, right? Okay, not always but it does feel good to be reminded of your workout the next day!
  • Are you a fitness freak? What are some of the things that make you feel like one?

Meal Monday!
Here’s What Made It To My Plate

Tonight’s Dinner: Brussel Sprout and Sweet Potato Patties

Recipe adapted from

I will be honest, I was not so excited for these once I put my ingredients together and saw what the patties were going to look like. Plus, they were very soft and hard to form, more like pancake batter than burger patties.
I had to heat the pan very hot to make them toast up on each side. But in the end, they were good decent, I can’t say I will try these again, but they weren’t awful either.
The side was fresh asparagus, cherry tomatoes and brussels sprouts with a bit of balsamic vinegar and garlic = Yum!
Lunch included a green shape with spinach, 1/2 banana (frozen), 3 strawberries, unsweetened coconut and 1 cup of coconut/almond milk… I also ate a TON of grilled eggplant.
By the time the shake was gone, the eggplant was all done on the grill, dipped in vegan marinara sauce and I was one happy girl!
My classic oats in a jar, set up before I went to bed so all I had to do was heat them in the morning. Instead of adding sunflower butter, I drizzled some maple agave over the top for a big of a change. Delicious!

Fitness Strength Training For Women and Clean Eating Suport