Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:
Meditation can help boost memory and focus, according to a new study. [The Atlantic]
If your most-wanted superpower is underwater breathing, you’re in luck: Researchers have created injectable oxygen that could help people do just that. [Medical Daily]
This GIF of Jennifer Lawrence photo-bombing SJP at last night’s Met Gala = amazingness. [Vulture]
A new study from the Pentagon reveals that sexual assaults in the military are on the rise. [NYT]
Half of the people in the U.S. who are infected with hepatitis C have never been properly tested for it, according to the CDC. [Reuters]
Because Obama voiced support for selling Plan B over the counter to women as young as 15, a Fox News host publicly wondered if he plans to put his 14-year-old daughter on birth control. So wrong. [MadameNoir]
High school students are dropping loads of cash on “promposals.” Because there’s no better way to blow $ 1,000 than on a plane banner that says, “Ashley, will you go to prom with me?” [NY Post]
As if you needed more incentive to stay away from Capri Sun, researchers have found mold in the juice pouches. [The Daily Meal]
Apparently, licking your kid’s pacifier can help protect him or her from allergies. If you’re going to try this trick, you’ll probably want to do it in private. [NPR]
photo: Pixland/Thinkstock