A controversial new children’s book that encourages a vegan lifestyle is making headlines. Even though maintaining a nutritious, vegan diet can be challenging for children, some docs are saying this could be a great way to target a much younger audience and promote healthy eating early in life. Via ABC
No Regrets
We’re told to live life with no regrets. And although having regret when you’re young can encourage change, a new study found that regret in old age could lead to unhappiness and even depression. Via Booster Shots
Extreme Crash Diet
This new trend takes dieting to a scary new level. It has been reported that some women (many of them brides-to-be) are opting for weight-loss treatments that involve feeding tubes that limit consumption to only 800 calories per day. This invasive and dangerous medical procedure can cost patients around $ 1,500 and the long-term effects are not yet known. Via Healthland
Fishy Labels
Check your spicy tuna roll. A new study by Oceana revealed that 55% of fish sold is mislabeled, so you don’t always get what you ask for. Aside from being misleading and aggravating, there can be serious health hazards from eating incorrectly labeled (and potentially un-inspected) fish. Via Prevention
Something Salty
It’s official: America is suffering from sodium overload. In a study that compared fast food chains in countries across the world, the levels of sodium in the U.S. food were sky high compared to the UK and France. Via Medical News Today
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